In 2007, the City of Abilene passed a bond issue to replace the existing 1937 Works Projects Administration (W.P.A.) swimming pool due to structural failure. As a listing on the Register of Historic Places, documentation was provided to the City to allow recognition of the original structure, yet allow the new pool project to move forward. The pool design and construction were coordinated through McKee Swimming Pools of Abilene, Kansas.
The pool replacement was to be a major improvement to the facility, however the renovation of the Bathhouse of the same vintage had not been incorporated into the bond issue. The City proceeded, however, with full lobby/check-in modifications to allow direct access to the pool without having to walk through the dressing rooms. Men's and Women's dressing rooms were reversed to allow for ADA upgrades in the restrooms and showers with new fixtures, partitions, and finishes. This project was dedicated on Memorial Day 2009.